Free Knitting Resources

August pattern - doggie bookmark

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20240801_140502 Doggie bookmark

You will need:

DK yarn for the dog’s body – brown / black / white / cream / grey

DK yarn in 2 different colours for the dog’s coat (A and B)

4mm knitting needles


Bottom leg – make 2: with body colour, cast on 2 stitches, knit into the front and then the back of both stitches.  (4 stitches).

Work 2 rows in plain knitting.

Next row: knit into the front and then the back of the first stitch, knit 1, knit the last 2 stitches together.

Work 3 rows in plain knitting.

Repeat the last 4 rows twice more, break yarn and leave the stitches on the end of the needle for now.


Line up the legs on the needle so that they shape outwards.

Knit across one leg, turn the work around and cast on 4 stitches, turn the work back and knit across the other leg.  (12 stitches).

Next row: knit into the front and then the back of the first stitch, knit to last stitch, knit into the front and then the back of the last stitch.  (14 stitches).

Work 10 rows in plain knitting. 

Next row: knit 2 together, knit to last 2 stitches, knit 2 together.  Break yarn.  (12 stitches).



Join in 1st coat colour (A) and Work 2 rows in plain knitting.

Row 1: knit - *1 A, 1 B – work from * to end of row

Row 2: purl - *1 B, 1 A - work from * to end of row

Row 3: knit - *1 B, 1 A – work from * to end of row

Row 4: purl - *1 A, 1 B – work from * to end of row

Repeat the last 4 rows until you have worked about 10cms, break yarn B

With A work 2 rows in plain knitting.


Personally, I find it helpful to take a break here to sew in all the tails and give the work a good press with an iron so you can see the shape better.


Paws: with body colour and right side facing, knit 3, turn and work on these 3 stitches only

Knit 2 rows.

Increase row: knit 1, knit into the front and then the back of the next stitch, knit 1 stitch.  (4 stitches).

Knit 7 rows in plain knitting.

Increase row: knit 1, knit 2 together, knit 1 stitch.  (3 stitches).

Knit 2 rows.

Cast off stitches.

Move the body stitches onto the other needles so that you can rejoin the body colour and work a 2nd paw to match.


Back of head – with right side of body facing, and body colour, rejoin yarn – knit 2 rows.

Next row: knit into the front and then the back of the first stitch, knit to last stitch, knit into the front and then the back of the last stitch.  (8 stitches).

Work 3 rows in plain knitting.

Repeat the last 4 rows until you have 12 stitches on the needle – mark each end of the last increase row – and work a further 3 rows in plain knitting.


Ears: - working on the same head stitches – shape for ears – knit 4 stitches, turn and work on just these stitches - knit 2 together, knit 2 together, turn work - knit 2 together, break yarn and finish.

Slip the head stitches onto the other needle so you can work an ear to match on the other side.


Face: with right side facing, rejoin body yarn to centre 4 stitches.

Increase row: knit into the front and then the back of the first stitch, knit to last stitch, knit into the front and then the back of the last stitch.  (6 stitches).

Knit 1 row.

Repeat last 2 rows until you have 12 stitches – mark each end of the last increase row – and work a further 5 rows in plain knitting - mark each end of the last row.

Knit to last stitch, turn

Slip 1 stitch, knit to last stitch, turn

Slip 1 stitch, knit 8, turn

Slip 1 stitch, knit 7, turn

Slip 1 stitch, knit 6, turn

Slip 1 stitch, knit 5, turn

Slip 1 stitch, knit 4, turn

Slip 1 stitch, knit 3, turn

Slip 1 stitch, knit to end of row

Knit across all stitches.  Break yarn and thread through but don’t pull tight yet.

To make up

Fold head – matching up the markers and sew down the sides and across the ears.  Add a little stuffing to the head.  Add a little stuffing to the chin shape – pull tight and sew under the face.  Embroider some eyes.

Neaten all the loose ends.


Tail: with body colour pick up 4 stitches at the bottom of the centre of the coat.  Knit until 3-4” long.

knit 2 together, knit 2 together.

knit 2 together.


Take a step further:

  • You can make the jumper part in all sorts of patterns
    • Work it plain
    • Work in stripes
    • Work in a moss stitch
    • Make the jumper body any length you like
    • Go wild with doggie colours

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